Fort Collins Trail Runners


The Fort Collins Trail Runners group is not a formal club. We are simply a group of local runners who enjoy running trails for fun, training, and/or racing. Any group run “leader” is simply a facilitator who offers an announcement for a group run or other activity. Participants in any group activity are responsible for their own safety and enjoyment. We do not require any membership dues and participation with the group is entirely voluntary.


Regular Group Runs

See here for full trail calendar :

Sign up for the FCTR Facebook Group for current updates. Our alternating Towers/Pineridge Thursday runs are announced weekly.

Tuesday Social Runs

6pm Location varies.

Towers Time Trials

Every other Thursday at 6pm
(More Info)

Thursday Social Runs

Various locations on some non-Towers Thursdays at 6pm

Weekend Group Training / Fat Ass Events

Among other impromptu runs, we have a couple of favorites that we try to get done every year. The spring vertical series of runs are geared more towards the ultra inclined, but they can all be adapted as shorter runs. These have been designed to maximize sociability and shared suffering.

Spring Vertical Series

March Mileage Madness (Essentially a circumnavigation of Horsetooth Reservoir with routes from 21 miles to 36 miles. Shorter options available. BBQ at the Mays after) – Date TBD

Round Up (30 miles, 10,000 feet of elevation gain, one mountain) – Date TBD

Crosier Triple Bagger (26 miles, 8,000 feet elevation gain, three Crosier summits) – Date TBD pending construction schedules on Hwy 34

Quad Rock Preview (25 miles, 5,700 feet of elevation gain) – 4/7/2025

Greyrock 6-Pack (6 Greyrock summits. 46 miles with 16,000 feet of gain. Not for the faint of heart, but there are bomber, doubles, and 4 packs up for grabs too) – Date TBD

Other FCTR ‘Events’

24 Hours of Towers (one hill, 24 hours, you decide how many summits) – Date TBD

El Chubbo Grande (FatAss ‘Race’ in Horsetooth Lory. 31 miles – 7,500′, 25.5M – 6500′, 21.5M – 5500′) – Date TBD

Runners without Borders (Fundraiser for Doctors without Borders) Staged at Lory State Park Eltuck Picnic Area and running to either Lory/Horsetooth Mountain Park border, you choose the route(s). – Date TBD

Local Trail Races

5/12/2025 – Quad Rock 50 and 25 Mile Trail Races at Lory State Park & Horsetooth Mountain Park
6/3/2025 – Crazy Legs 10k at Devil’s Backbone
7/28/2025 – Never Summer 100K Trail Race at State Forest State Park
9/8/2025 – Black Squirrel Trail Half Marathon at Lory State Park
10/20/2025 – Blue Sky Trail Marathon at Horsetooth Mountain Park & Devil’s Backbone Open Space

Time Trials

Every other Thursday evening we meet for a handicap time trial ascent. Towers Road is the usual route but we occasionally run Horsetooth Rock, and there has also been talk of taking the time trials to other popular ascents in the area, including Arthur’s Rock, Greyrock, and Round Mountain.

**The 4/19 time trial will be held on Horsetooth Rock starting from the upper Horsetooth Trailhead at 6pm.

Unless we announce otherwise, this is the regular Towers Time trial plan:

Start: Soderberg Trailhead at Horsetooth (The lower trailhead off of Shoreline Dr)
Time: 6pm is the standard 50min ascent start. If you think you need more time to get to the top, plan to start out a little earlier.

Everyone starts out based on their best estimated ascent time with the goal of getting everyone to the top at approximately the same time. After we regroup at the top, we jog back down at a casual pace.

The official Towers start is the trailhead sign next to the bathrooms. The finish is the corner of the building across the clearing at the first set of towers (left fork at the top). The route is 3.4 miles to the top with about 1,700ft of climbing.

Vert Stats:

Start: 5459′
Finish: 7146′

Vertical feet per half mile:

0 – .5 (Swan Johnson Trail + a tiny bit of Towers) = 89′
.5 – 1 = 341′
1 – 1.5 = 301′
First full mile on Towers = 642′

1.5 – 2 = 278′
2 – 2.5 = 128′
Second full mile on Towers = 406′

2.5 – 3 = 350′
3 – 3.4 = 195′
Last .9 on Towers = 545′

More Towers stuff from the archives here.

Join the FCTR Facebook group for more information and current updates.

Towers Top times:

Sam Malmberg: 28:32
Nick Davis: 29:09
Brian Erb: 29:12
Nick Clark: 29:20
Eric Bergman: 29:37

Masters – Brian Erb: 29:12

High School – Caleb: 31:58


Jenn Malmberg: 34:05
Stephanie Lynn: 34:30
Sarah Hansen: 36:10
Maggie Flanagan: 37:00
Cherilyn Sackel: 37:07

Masters – Marie-Helene Faurie: 39:32

Top Dog – Clyde: 30:45

Horsetooth Top Times (From Upper lot by trailhead map to summit by any (on-trail) route of your choosing)

Sam Malmberg: 23:41
Nick Clark: 23:42
Nick Davis: 23:45
Pete Stevenson: 25:42
Scott Slusher: 27:25


Jenn Malmberg: 29:40
Stephanie Lynn: 27:01
Mary Boyts: 33:44
Cat Speights: 34:49
Kristina: 34:49


FCTR Facebook Group
Ft Collins Natural Areas
Gnar Runners
Horsetooth Mountain Park
Lory State Park

Towers April 5: 14 out of 22 PR

Posted on April 6, 2025 by nick
The spring PR season is clearly in full swing. Last time out we had 13 personal bests, but this time up we went one better with 14. When will this madness end? There were a total of 26 runners, 4 new and 22 returning, which means a PR strike rate of 64 percent.

Off the charts!

Perhaps the most notable PR of the night came from one of The Hill’s most loyal customers. Alex May has been toiling away on Towers for two years now, so you’d think personal bests would be marginal at this stage. But oh no, how about a huge 90 second PR, people!?

It took a slight revisit of his lunch, but Pete Stevenson wasn’t far behind Alex in the outstanding-run-of-the-evening award. The bearded one sliced almost a minute off his PR for an impressive 31:31. Also impressive was Brian B who put up a fourth PR in a row, and then we had Burch, Elijah, Katie and Mike E putting up their third consecutive bests.

Virtual insanity!

We move to the upper lot for a run at Horsetooth Rock in two weeks. See you there!

Alex M
Pete S
Peter P
Brian B
Mike E
Mike H
Jen J
Matt J
Katie R
Jenn G


Batting 1.000 on Towers in 2025

Alex May
Brian Stefanovic
Brian Walter
Katie Robinson
Pete Stevenson
Ryan Burch

Towers 3/23: 4 Under 30, 13 PRs

Posted on March 23, 2025 by nick
The ice was all but a distant memory, the wind was barely noticeable, the temperatures were in the high 50s, and we had daylight the whole way up. With (almost) perfect conditions for the first Towers time trial of the spring season, we had a record 13 runners register personal records, four guys run under 30 minutes, and the issuance of a serious threat-down from Steph Lynn to Jenn Malmberg’s FKT.

In total, 34 runners started out from the Soderberg trailhead, six of them new to the hill, which means 46 percent of the Towers veterans posted a PR. Impressive stuff folks. And we still have six determined runners batting 1.000 for 2025.

We’ll be back to do it all over again in two weeks.

Tonight’s PRs
Brian B
Mike E
Tim Erickson
Cat Speights
Katie Robinson
John Korfmacher
Mike R
Brian Erb
Ryan Burch
Steph Lynn
Shannon Price
Zach Kauffman

Batting 1.000 on Towers in 2025

Alex May
Brian Stefanovic
Brian Walter
Katie Robinson
Pete Stevenson
Ryan Burch

Towers 3-9-2025

Posted on March 9, 2025 by nick
The conditions on Towers were about as good as we’ve seen them all year, but still less than ideal, with a few scrapings of ice in the usual shaded corners and additional snow and ice up high. Fully 20 percent (4) of the 20 who started out from the Soderberg trailhead reached the summit in personal records, which I guess shows how good the track was (or just how fit these specimens were) last night.

This was the last lights-required Towers TT of winter and we were treated to a huge and very orange full moon off to the east as we made our way down, so lights were in fact optional. For the next one, conditions should be stellar and hopefully people will be cranking PRs left right and center, and maybe we’ll sprinkle an FKT or two in there too.

Some pics and text from Alex

Tonight’s PRs

Katie Robinson
John Korfmacher
Mike E
Zach Kauffman

Batting 1.000 on Towers in 2025

Alex May
Brian Stefanovic
Brian Walter
Katie Robinson
Pete Stevenson
Ryan Burch

Towers 2-23

Posted on February 24, 2025 by nick
Another 18-runner (one-dog) turnout on Towers last night. While the conditions underfoot were distinctly winter-like, runners started off without the need for headlamps and then enjoyed the transition to a beautifully clear and starlit night. Another couple of Towers sessions and I think we can leave the headlights at home – a sure sign that we’re turning the corner on winter.

Conditions ranged from dirt, to ruts, to crunchy ice, to a dusting of snow, to inches of snow, to knee-deep post-holing. A real mixed bag for sure, but way better than last time out, I am told.

We’ll have another 15 minutes of daylight for the next outing on March 8, in addition to a full moon. Headlights optional?

Batting 100 on Towers in 2025:

Alex May
Brian Stefanovic
Brian Walter
Katie Robinson
Mindy Clarke
Pete Stevenson
Ryan Burch
Steph Lynn

FCTR’s at the Moab Red Hot 55k/33k

Posted on February 21, 2025 by Pete
The Fort Collins Trail Runners had another strong showing at the Moab Red Hot 55k and 33k races this last weekend. By my best count, we had 43 FCTR finishers. A few people had a rough time out on the slickrock but everyone who started made it to the finish line. Sarah Hansen placed 3rd in the women’s 55k in her first ultra. Maggie, Lindsay, and Dave Seabeck also finished their first ultras this weekend. Alex, Brain Walter, Cat, and I ran new Red Hot PR’s. And we had quite a few runners out on the Moab trails for the first time. I’m sure I’ve missed some highlights so if anyone has additional results or race reports to share, send me an email with any additional details.

The usual welcome for the FCTR and Boulder trail runners. (Photo by Brian Kraus)

Another view from the Red Hot course (Photo by Laura Backus)

More slickrock and spectacular views from the Red Hot course (Photo by Laura Backus)

Views of the La Salles from the 33k/55k course. (Photo by Laura Backus)

More FCTR’s with our Boulder friends at the finish line (Photo by Kristen Alvarez)

Part of the FCTR’s at the finish line (Photo by Jennifer Swanson)

The Full FCTR Results and links to race reports:

55k Results Overall Place Division Place Finish Time
Pete Stevenson 5 4 M 0-39
Sarah Hansen 23 3 F 0-39
Shannon Price 27 19 M 0-39
Chris Swedenborg 37 24 M 0-39
Brian Stefanovic 52 28 M 0-39
Kyle Fanning 53 16 M 40-99
Brian Boyes 60 30 M 0-39
Alex May 68 33 M 0-39
Victoria Funk 69 10 F 0-39
Justin Liddle 79 37 M 0-39
Maggie Flanagan 80 13 F 0-39
Glen Strandvold 85 26 M 40-99
Catharine Speights 93 10 F 40-99
Katie Robinson 94 16 F 0-39
Kent Stieler 95 42 M 0-39
Brian Kraus 116 36 M 40-99
Jennifer Malmberg 122 22 F 0-39
Lindsey Habermann 139 26 F 0-39
Mary Boyts 140 20 F 40-99
Marie-Helene Faurie 150 23 F 40-99
Mindy Clarke 168 32 F 0-39
David Johnson 173 58 M 40-99
Ean May 174 33 F 0-39
Brian Walter 176 59 M 40-99
Ashley Gramza 179 34 F 0-39
Lindsay Martin 182 36 F 0-39
David Seabeck 183 56 M 0-39
33k Results Overall Place Division Place Finish Time
David Taylor 16 8 M 0-39
Nicole Callan 21 5 F 0-39
Diana Hassel 37 9 F 40-99
Dean Davis 38 11 M 40-99
Jeanne Mick 44 9 F 0-39
Jennifer Gately 46 10 F 0-39
Laura Backus 47 11 F 0-39
Stephanie Lynn 58 17 F 0-39
Chris Hinds 59 16 M 0-39
Stu Field 87 20 M 0-39
Jason Sagen 88 21 M 0-39
Elizabeth Myers 97 31 F 0-39
Virginia Fanning 106 25 F 40-99
Jennifer Swanson 113 26 F 40-99
Krista Lewicki 116 39 F 0-39
Jennifer Barfield 123 43 F 0-39